
Colbert and Julian Assange of Wikileaks

HoosierHoops4/13/2010 6:48:23 pm PDT

Was Sir Charles Drunk on the halftime show on TNT a minute ago? He was goofy.. Let’s face it there is nobody In America that doesn’t think it’s at least possible that a return to the Studio could catch Barkley with a beer caught on camera between a drink..Frozen..Staring at the Camera…slowly putting down the beer…No blinking .. This is Sir Charles after all. I love him..He can do whatever he wants to do and he does….This may be a scandal.. I’m waiting for the post show..In fact..I’m TIVO’ing it…He may take a shot at Kenny tonight…or be suddenly ill off set..LOL
/Charles it a first responder not the Keno girl!