
Teabonics Sign of the Day: Obama is a Shoe

Spider Mensch5/14/2010 10:51:43 am PDT

re: #109 ~Fianna

Whatever influence we might have played in that, bailing out Greece was probably a good idea. If a Euro nation defaults, it’s going to bring down the Eurozone, which is going to have very, very bad effects on the EU.

I’m not sure that the Eurozone is a good idea, but removal through collapse is definitely not the way to end it. Not unless we want to have to worry about an extremely destabilized ally.

yes…but just for the hell of it..I went through my old money jar from my travels thru Europe in the 80’s…75 guilders, 55 francs, a few hundred thousand lira, 50 german marks, a few psetas, 25 shekels..and some damn thing with a hole in it…I’m ready to travel!!..LOL…the whole jar = maybe 100 usd..))) at 1988 exchange rate that I can remember ))