
Catholic Hospital Punishes Administrator for Authorizing Abortion to Save Woman's Life

Gus5/16/2010 12:50:08 am PDT

re: #125 Slumbering Behemoth

Nary a phantom nor ghost, demon nor angel to be seen. Not a wisp of willow nor haunt of the grave to be found. There is more wonder and awe in any given NASA endeavor than there is in any Santa Claus.

/”But you do not see, because you are not open and accepting” says the cold reader, the tarot flipper, the star gazing astrologist…

I’ll never forget the first time I went to Glacier National Park and Grand Teton NP as teenager. This was after living in the flat lands of South Jersey. The air was so clear, the mountains so beautiful, the sky was a deep blue, and all of the wildlife. The contrast of seeing Wyoming and Montana was so stark compared to the relative boredom of the scrub pines.

The Hubble images are amazing. To me that’s been in many ways more wondrous than the Shuttle missions. Of course if it wasn’t for the Shuttle program we wouldn’t have seen those images. The size of the universe is difficult to comprehend so that never really enters my mind. I do often think what it would be like to be “right there.”