
Sarah Palin at the Iowa GOP Ronald Reagan Dinner

researchok9/17/2010 7:01:55 pm PDT

re: #88 talon_262

No, bonehead…Cato was asking why you would be going more to the right, when there have been many, many, many examples over the past couple of years of the GOP and the American right going headlong into the bad craziness (I’m not gonna list all of the subjects, because you’ve seen most, if not all, of them). In light of all of that, you’re still going to plunge headlong into that fever swamp? It doesn’t make sense for a logical person to do that, unless they’re letting irrational emotions guide their political decisions.

(For the record: I consider myself center-right, so you can’t use the “lefty” argument. Up through the 2008 elections, I voted overwhelmingly Republican for 15 years, but in light of this shit that’s been going on with the GOP over the past two years, it’d take a really exceptional (and sane) GOP candidate to get me to pull the lever for them.)

I can relate, to some degree.

Over the past few years I have moderated my own politics to a more centrist/right place.

Similarly, my own migration has been motivated in no small measure because of the crumbling foundation posts of the right. I do maintain conservatism offers much but as of late conservatism is being redefined and therein lies my problem. It is clear the GOP is devolving with much of the conservative noisemakers.

Is Sarah Palin a lightweight? Yes. Is her ideology silly? Yes. That said, she is not the devil she is made out to be. She may not have any great ideas but she does represent an attitude. She may not the great messenger of change for everyone but her message- if not her politics- hold a universal appeal. Business as usual in DC is unacceptable. Spending irresponsibly will only saddle future generations with debt. No one, right or left wants that.

Too often the focus is on the ‘enemy’. I’m not so sure that will prove to be fruitful. The TP writes no bills or passes no laws. Sarah Palin is still outside the halls of power. Attacking her and the TP does not make for good government.

I think we’d be better served spending more time focusing on good governance and demanding just that.

Critics of all stripes don’t have a leg to stand on if government does it’s job.

So far, Obama has proved he’s up to the task- and then some- as far Homeland Security, our military and fighting terrorism. He is doing an outstanding job. His commitment is focused and his critics be damned. no one stands in his way and it is clear he plays no favorites.

We need to demand the same level of competence from him as it relates to the economy and the budget. We can argue, debate, agree and disagree. It’s all about keeping focus on what is relevant.

I suspect that would serve the nation a whole lot more than criticizing an assemblage of idiots.