
South Carolina Primary Thread

palomino1/21/2012 5:31:49 pm PST

Romney is still likely to win. Better organization, more money, less of a bombastic loose cannon than Newt.

But this is hardly an impressive showing. He’s actually only 1-for-3 now, since the recount showed him losing narrowly to Santorum in Iowa.

Ultimately I think most republicans can read a poll, and thus realize that Newt’s way behind Obama in head to head national matchups, while Mitt runs very close. Moreover, Newt’s unfavorables are sky high with moderates and independents. Then again, a lot of tea partiers still want to purify the party by kicking out alleged RINOs like Mitt. And a lot of Republicans have convinced themselves that Gingrich is the second coming of Churchill and will thus destroy Obama in debates. (As if debates were normally that pivotal, which they’re not.)