Comment and Drudge Report: Center Right? Who Are They Kidding?

moderatelyradicalliberal7/01/2012 2:27:48 pm PDT

re: #124 Digital Display

Ok.. I feel somewhat Qualified to speak about the direction of the GOP for the last 4 years. I think it’s too easy to pigeonhole reasons because of the complexity of the politics and the general direction of the Conservatives in the US.
Something has happened to the GOP in the last 4 years…When I first came to LGF I proudly wrote Charles about who I was and sent him my Award of being the Republican of the year. Very Proud to be invited to the Presidents Dinner in DC. ( Shout out to the Stalkers of mine..Nobody invited you to meet Bush did they? Didn’t think so Bitches)
I was proud to be the Party of the Grown ups..And in Charge.
When Obama was elected it was like a shockwave from a SuperNova hit the Party.
It’s like the loss of power ripped a veil from the platform.
The grownups started acting like spoiled little children. Just one little piece of it was the great flounce of 2009.. But everywhere we stopped being grownups and went to the base elements of the far right of the GOP.
Everything now came into to play..including racism. I knew we were in trouble when I started getting pictures on my BB of a Black man lynched with Obama’s face photoshopped on it..
I’m not riding that crazy train.. I switched parties 11-1-10.
I don’t regret it for one second.. Even though there are some Dems I will always have distain for. That will never change.
Thank you Lizards!

Welcome! And don’t worry about the disdain you have for some Democrats. That is natural and you couldn’t be a real Democrat without it. ;)