
Ambience - Brian Eno - LUX 1

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/01/2013 7:41:48 pm PST

The problem with the Democratic leadership, in the House anyway, is clearly that they’ve been there too long. I’m not trying to be ageist, but several of these folk are past their prime.

For example Hoyer was just cut off in mid-sentence, a sentence he didn’t complete because he was rambling on way too slowly.

We need energy at the top, dynamic individuals to take on the very large job of improving the policies and laws of this nation.

I realize it sounds harsh, but we have to come to terms here with why we get stuck in these situations. Fundamentally, with a nation our size there will be many different voices. Old ways of doing business aren’t working.

(They’re now into a 15 minute vote on the bill.)