
New Music Video From Tom Petty's "Wildflowers" Collection: You Saw Me Comin' (Alternate Version)

Dangerman3/08/2021 6:08:01 am PST

on Manchin and the filibuster (

this part i really like

To make the filibuster even more painful, former senator Chris Dodd has proposed that during a filibuster, three-fifths of the Senate would have to be present. He didn’t say what would happen if that threshold were not met. More realistically, the rules could be changed to say that at least 40 senators have to be present day and night in order to keep debate going. If fewer are present, then cloture would be automatically invoked. Since members of the majority wouldn’t show up, most of the minority would be forced to sit in their chairs, day and night, playing video games on their phones and taking turns leaving to eat pizza in their offices or go to the bathroom. How long would a filibuster last then? Probably not even a week.

as with many other proposals floating around
it limits what a single senator could do
and forces the team to have, and show, the courage of their convictions

personally, i think filibuster debate should have to be on topic.
even somewhat on topic.

if you start reading a novel, a phonebook, a cookbook, whatever, then automatic cloture