
Networks Not All Fox News

jayzee10/25/2009 10:51:32 am PDT

re: #128 SilentAlfa

“ok-my point is you’re 1) Talking about opinion shows”

ok-my point is you’re 1) saying fox discriminates between news and opinion shows but half of fox’s programming during the primetime hours is opinion shows rather than actual news.

You see, me talking about opinion shows is actually entirely relevant because we’re talking about editorializing news channels. And when half of your prime-time programming is purely right-wing opinion, yeah, that’s editorializing the news.

“You lefties are unbelievably hypocritical.”

unfounded assumptions about me. At no point did I say I wanted to limt Fox News’ freedoms, all I’ve done is point out how opinionated it is. And thanks for talking about CNN International, but I don’t really care since I live in the United States and we’re talking about news channels’ coverage on domestic issues.

You see, me talking about opinion shows is actually entirely relevant because we’re talking about editorializing news channels. And when half of your prime-time programming is purely right-wing opinion, yeah, that’s editorializing the news.

Um no it’s not. And CNN owns CNN International and shares reporters and content. But what’s fact got to do with it. You got feelings. And if the content of a news organization’s editorial staff offends yours sensibilities then damn them. Damn any news org that intermixes editorials with hard news. Down with the NY Times. Down with CNN. Down with Fox. Down with them all. Let the right/left/center government determine what’s best. I can’t believe people here would ever called for and support government censorship of the media.