
Michele Bachmann Now Dodging Questions from Bill O'Reilly

allegro6/21/2010 10:09:34 am PDT

re: #126

The people here are desperate for the drilling to continue!
They know this spill is so uncommon, and due to BP’s negligence, they aren’t worried about a similar situation!

But hey, they’re just little “small” people (our local talk show folks are having much fun with that btw)

Reine, I realize that we are both speaking from our individual perspectives, both of which have merit. I am deeply involved in mitigation efforts, having made now 4 trips to the LA coastal regions hardest hit, managing 3 leadership teams and working to secure rehabilitation efforts of those birds and mammals that have a hope of being saved. I have spent a lot of time with the fishermen and their families, those who are dependent on tourism, etc. They are not anxious to see more exploration until there is some assurance of safety measures.