
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/19/2009 5:29:43 am PST

re: #1309 Fenway_Nation

Hmm…must’ve missed the part where you clearly and unambiguously explained how providing the right to counsel, the discovery process, the right to question one’s accuser, access to a list of witnesses, the ability to filibuster in court and having food and lodging food and lodging would deter new recruits from joining up with Al Qaeda. If I found out that my enemies were required by their own laws to treat us no different than a Time Square pickpocket for all intents and purposes and the ones reponsible for pursuing us were hamstrung by increasingly contradictory regulations and requirements, why wouldn’t I join?

Uhh because then we are not the evil empire that they claim we are. Because more importantly, they will have reason to surrender if surrounded and not fight to the death.

Try that on.