
Wall Street Journal Expels Paul Belien's Fascist Website

Sharmuta4/23/2009 8:44:54 pm PDT

Interview with filip dewinter:

DEWINTER: There’s a big difference. We play at home. On our own field.

[Interviewer]- Whoever is born as a Moroccan Belgian also plays at home.

DEWINTER: That foreigner doesn’t play at home. That foreigner is a guest here, should act like a guest. There are many guests who stay longer, but they are still guests. They must understand..

[Interviewer]- Whoever is born here is not a guest. That is their land just as well as it’s yours

DEWINTER: I always think that a cat born in a fish shop is not a fish just because of that - to express it plastically. It takes maybe a few generation before people are completely assimilated. But that is the intention in the end: Be a Fleming among Flemish. But than we should also make an effort on our side to make it clear to them . And we don’t do that
