
Boehner: GOP and Tea Partiers Believe the Same Things

drcordell2/04/2010 11:53:36 am PST

re: #119 Aceofwhat?

Well…when you have to amend it to get your way…isn’t that not supporting it as currently written?

After all, the senator did say I think we need a constitutional amendment to make it clear, once and for all, that corporations do not have the same free-speech rights as individuals…

silly me, i thought a corporation was a group of individuals…

Jesus Christ in a handbasket. A corporation is not a group of individuals. Have you read any of the history behind this ruling, or the ruling itself? A corporation is literally and legally an individual person under U.S. law. A “person” who now enjoys the same Constitutional rights as you or I. Except they can never die, and they cannot be held directly responsible for any of their actions in a court of law, because they don’t actually exist as a person.