
Video: Attack of the Boxer Blimp

Cato the Elder3/13/2010 4:46:54 pm PST

re: #99 WindUpBird

I have the 9-5 job for coverage, and the 6-midnight job doing what I’m good at, which pays me over double what the 9-5 job does. Hey, it’s a living!

And cheers, quoted for the truth.

And that is the point, my conservobot friends. WUP could make quadruple what he’s now making by quitting his 9-5 job and still not be able to get health insurance as a freelancer. Maybe because of pre-existing conditions, maybe because his BMI is the wrong number, maybe for countless other reasons that have nothing to do with his employability or productivity.

Who wins in such a system? Not the entrepreneurs and go-getters and self-employed people you love to call the backbone of America.