
Dazzling Stop Motion Animation: The Fall

Charles Johnson3/13/2013 7:48:13 pm PDT


Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez Unlikely to Be Preserved ‘For Eternity’

CARACAS — Venezuela’s government said on Wednesday it may not be possible to embalm the remains of late leader Hugo Chavez as planned because the process should have been started earlier.

Chavez died last week aged 58 after a two-year battle with cancer. His body has been on display in a glass-topped coffin at a grandiose military academy in the capital Caracas, where millions of people have filed past to pay homage.

The government had said it planned to embalm Chavez’s remains “for eternity” in much the same way as was done with the remains of Soviet leaders Lenin and Stalin and communist Chinese leader Mao Zedong after they died.

“Russian and German scientists have arrived to embalm Chavez and they tell us it’s very difficult because the process should have started earlier … Maybe we can’t do it,” acting President Nicolas Maduro said in televised comments on Wednesday.

“We are in the middle of the process. It’s complicated, it’s my duty to inform you.”