
Sunday Jam: Terence Blanchard's Tribute to Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Et Al

goddamnedfrank8/09/2015 5:22:00 pm PDT

Bernie supporters have officially now gone full retard.

The leaders of BLM like the status quo, unless the single focus of future equality is centered on black women; and even more so black, lesbian, women. They like racial tension over a quest for universal growth for all persons struggling, because it gives them power and a voice. This obviously is not what the vast majority of those supporting BLM believe, but it is what the leadership believes. It’s for this reason that the leadership is not standing up against members who claim to speak on their behalf and who prevent Bernie Sanders from speaking at rallies.

As the founders of BLM make clear, the movement (from their perspective) is all about black women. Anyone such as Bernie Sanders who wants to raise the plight of all struggling Americans offends them. They want the sole focus to be on them. They don’t want a peaceful movement that follows the lead of Martin Luther King, Jr. Instead, they want a militant movement that follows the lead of the Black Panther Party.

This is why Bernie frightens the leadership of BLM so much, because he is creating a huge movement of destroying the present system, which racist system gives the leaders of BLM their voice. These same leaders rather keep the status quo. If we at Ring of Fire are wrong, then we ask them to stand up and take a very strong stance against what is occuring at these rallies, and to state what their true goals are, and how we can assist them to help struggling black Americans.

Way to go assholes, your candidate had three fucking weeks to respond positively to these disruptions, and now you want to sell me on the idea that three black women are the real problem.

Bernie’s supporters want me to believe that these black women are stealing Bernie’s voice, forcing him to cancel planned events, to bail on scheduled meetings. They want me to think of him as a potential leader of this country but that all it takes to repeatedly derail his routine completely are a few legitimately pissed off black women.

And now They’re actually saying BLM’s leaders like the racial status quo that they’ve been protesting and trying for weeks to get him to deal with in something other than the simplistic panacea of economic reform? Seriously, the entire point of the protests is that this issue goes far beyond and simply can not be fixed by economic reform alone. The entire point is that the monomaniacal fixation of Bernie’s campaign isn’t enough, and casting BLM as a bunch of queer bullies stifling Sanders’ fragile fucking flower of a voice is just about the most counter productive answer to that imaginable.

It’s getting seriously fucking embarrassing to be white.