
Obama Absent from Medal of Honor Ball - Update: Confirmed

summergurl1/23/2009 2:24:54 pm PST

re: #118 Catttt

Even though he screwed up a lot (pun intended), President Clinton had a way, which I have to call seductive, of making me like him - even trust him at times. He had skill in that department. I truly think Presiden O lacks the skill. I think people have blinders on, and when the blinders fall away, he will start reminding people of President Nixon, who while a brilliant guy in many ways, was totally missing the seduction gene.

The MSM’s covering up or just not even investigating Mr. Swarmy’s trysts and attempted trysts was much more distasteful than BO. But at least Clinton appeared interested, even though he may or may not be, in what the GOP had to say. This guy is like the big bully on the playground with his “gang” or “posse” , he feels he can do or say anything - that is scarier than Clinton. Why? Because he will.