
Support I Don't Really Need

zombie2/17/2009 6:00:44 pm PST

re: #107 ArmyWife

Agreed - BUT I completely disagree with the left’s response. Just because it’s difficult to abstain does not mean we throw any talk of waiting for marriage out the window and hand over “how to” manuals. Mistakes are made, they don’t need to be enabled.

This is one of those very difficult questions. My feelings:

The Left is very overtly and very aggressively encouraging teenagers to be promiscuous. That is absolutely true. And they have a total hammerlock on our educational system and are pushing it relentlessly.

The Right feels that kids “are getting the wrong message (which they certainly are), and counter with the proposal: Have no sex education at all if it allows for the possibility of discussing teen sexual activity.

The Left’s position is: Teens will have sex, will simply can’t stop them.

And while that is true to a certain extent, we adults can dampen or inflame teen sexual activity with how we treat it. I agree with the Right that we should tell kids that, for their own sakes, try to have some restraint. But I don’t agree that we should enforce ignorance.

In my fantasy scenario, sex education classes would say, essentially:

“You may have urges, but trust us, the more you resist them at this stage, the better you’ll be in the long run. Abstinence is admirable. HOWEVER, if you simply can’t control yourselves, FOR GOD’S SAKE USE A CONDOM!”