
Biden To Sell Bankruptcy to the Coal Industry

So?2/27/2009 9:49:13 am PST

You have to admit coal is an antiquated form of energy. We have the technology to create incredible new energy technologies. One came out this week, balloons in space (stratosphere) that would capture sunlight with their uniquely coated surface and transmit the energy to Earth. The coating for these ballons cost pennies. I’m just giving this as an example, nothing more. What we truly need is a Manhattan-type Project to develop new ways of collecting thermal, solar and oceanic energy: 3 limitless sources of energy. But like the oil industry, the coal industry is big and powerful and has its own agenda. So nothing new will ever be done, till we’re all wearing face masks like they do right now in China. Pollution is the killer. Not global warming, not climate change. Pollution.