
Overnight Open Thread

Syrah5/28/2009 1:07:52 am PDT

re: #114 Sharmuta

I think it goes to the heart of the frustration that many are feeling about the Republican Party, i.e. the party of eunuchs.

As important as it is to not look like a bunch of kooks, it is just as important to not look like a bunch of wussies either.

The Republican Party needs to offer a credible opposition to Obama, his polices and his appointees. However, the party must not emulate James Carville or Markos Moulitsas in doing so. (I think Rush is erring in that direction.)

It is not going to be easy for Republicans over the next eight years.

We lost the last Presidential Election fair and square.

We deserved to lose.

Our candidate was week and our message was muddled. If we continue on that path, the Republican party will be out of power for far longer than just two presidential terms. It may in fact never recover. At the same time, if we try to compensate by being just as nasty and vicious as the Dem/left has been over the last three decades, we will lose the reason for winning.

It will be rough sailing for a time.