
Creationist Dentist Gets the Boot

Vicious Babushka3/03/2010 7:04:06 pm PST

re: #122 keloyd

While we’re on the subject, are there any Jewish young-earth creationists?

I don’t mean the nuanced position of the Almighty guiding our development through billions of years of nature taking its course, I mean 6 day creation of a 6k year old universe. It’s their/some of your book. Maybe we should pay attention to their/some of your interpretation?

According to the kabbalistic masters, the earth is billions of years old. There are some “young earth creationists” like Michael Medved and Dennis Prager. Also, 30 years ago there was a rabbi, Avigdor Miller, who promoted creationism but he got all of his “scientific” information from the Discovery Institute and crackpots like Emanuel Velikovsky.