
And Now, Wikileaks Shills for Russia - Update: Greenwald, Too

CuriousLurker2/06/2014 12:37:39 pm PST

re: #91 b_sharp

Yup. Yup. Yup.
I’ve tried the methods from there and MSDN.
Simply doesn’t work.

Text Shadow in IE 11 not working

Q: The text in this example of text-shadow doesn’t display in IE 11, but does in FF & Chrome. […]

A: This happens because IE wants you to have a base color on the text. You also use text-shadow to define the base color.

You can change this so you also define the color property. […]

Not sure about the gradient. Are you certain there’s not something in the cascade overriding it? I’ve found that when I have CSS problems it’s usually due to specificity—have you checked your rules in Firebug to verify which one is being applied? You can get Firebug Lite for IE here.

It can also be something really dumb, like a browser having a hissy fit and refusing to render something because a particular element doesn’t have a declared width, or there was a carriage return before a closing tag or whatever.