
Trump Tries to Deflect Racism Accusations With Fake Photo of Black Family

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)6/04/2016 3:42:35 pm PDT

re: #131 TK-421

Thanks, he’s an “ok” guy now. Hasn’t beat anyone since the 80s as far as I know. It Pisa s me off when these conservative belch about “pick themselves up by bootstraps etc.” While their daddies were home, scamming, conning and whatever while others were out there giving everything they had. Romney’s precious family might have had a different outcome if someone smashed him on the head with a shovel in Vietnam and he came home drooling in a cup. No, his delicate ass went to France to push his superstition and god knows what other con he had going.

I know what you mean. If I had a dime that I heard that poor people just need to work harder or have a better work ethic, I’d go insane. And you’re right. Who knows how the hell Romney would have turned out if he had to go to Vietnam. I think what pissed off my grandfather, like your dad a vet wasn’t that guys like him didnt’ serve in war, it was how indifferent they were about other peoples loved ones in those wars.