
Overnight Open Thread

gmsc5/13/2009 12:16:01 am PDT

You have to love it when environmentalist celebrities are hoisted by their own petard:

Oprah to Planet Earth: Drop Dead

The Richest and Most Fascinating Person Who Has Ever Lived gave the commencement address at Duke University’s graduation on Sunday. Here’s what she told America’s future about being successful in life, courtesy of the Wall Street Journal:

“It’s great to have a nice home. It’s great to have nice homes! It’s great to have a nice home that just escaped the fire in Santa Barbara,” she told the students. “It’s great to have a private jet. Anyone that tells you that having your own private jet isn’t great is lying to you.”
This would seem to be self-evident. Who wouldn’t want their own jet? Nobody, that’s who. Nobody doesn’t want their own jet.

Now, a lot of people don’t want anybody else to have private jets. They don’t want other people to drive nice cars, live in nice homes, eat at expensive restaurants, or otherwise enjoy the fruits of their success. They want other people to feel guilty about it. They want other people to limit their consumption in order to “save the planet.”

If the GOP was smart, they’d add a clause making private jet ownership illegal to every environmentally-related bill the Dems try and push through.