
Michele Bachmann: Public Schools Should Teach Creationism

studentpatriot6/19/2011 11:29:31 am PDT

Tucker Carlson interviews Francis Collins (Director of the National Institute of Health, $30 billion/year granting agency for most biomedical research in US):

Carlson: Does evolution even imply that there’s no god?

Collins: Of course not. Evolution, although it’s called a theory, in science a theory is a collection of observations that are pulled together into a consistent view of things. Electromagnetic theory, for instance. It doesn’t mean it’s still hypothetical and people don’t think it’s right. Biology makes almost no sense without evolution to undergird it. Saying as the opening statement did evolution is a theory, not a fact, that’s not really quite an adequate explanation of the solidity of information we have that —

Carlson: Do we need a new term?

Collins: We need a new term. Evolution has reached the point it’s not going to be discarded.

Carlson: Why don’t we call it a law?

Collins: Law in science, perhaps a little different. You’re talking about physical laws, say, of gravitation. This is in fact a way of understanding how biological things came into being. But it in no way excludes god. Let me come to that. Science investigates the natural world. It is the way to investigate the natural world. But if god exists, god must be outside the natural world and so science really is silent in terms of answering that question. In that regard, athiests, who say there is no god. Where does god fit in to this, if you think evolution explains life forms including our own? I think it’s fairly straightforward. I’m what’s called a theistic evolutionist. I believe god had a purpose that involved you and me as individuals, people that he wished to have fellowship with. I believe that the way he decided to do that creative step utilized the mechanism of evolution. I don’t think that requires god to step in and fill in these gaps in the development of the eye. I think evolution is self-sufficient. I think god is basically the mind that is behind it.

Full transcript here:
