
The Russia Investigation Heats Up Again: Lawyer Who Promised Dirt on Clinton Turns Out to Be a Kremlin Informant

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips4/27/2018 12:58:57 pm PDT

JFC, where do you find people this damn skeevy?

“… On Friday, during an appearance on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” one of Mr. Cosby’s publicists invoked Till when asked whether the dozens of women who have accused Mr. Cosby of sexual abuse were lying.

“Since when are all people honest?” the publicist, Ebonee Benson, said. “And since when are all women honest? We can take a look at Emmett Till, for example. Since when are all people honest?”

Mr. Cosby’s other publicist, Andrew Wyatt, added that “this became a public lynching.” …”