
Video: Police Brutality Incident at a Pool Party in Texas - UPDATE: Cop Added Video to His YouTube Playlist

Targetpractice6/07/2015 3:27:07 pm PDT

Shockingly, it looks like Freepers are actually mostly in agreement that there’s just no way to look at this video as anything but an indication that the cop was a total fucking moron. Throwing a girl who sassed him to the ground, drawing a gun to scare off two guys who tried to stop him, and then handcuffing her when she’d be released half an hour later with no charges.

There’s one or two bootlickers who are trying to take the cop’s side, but the majority of Freepers who’ve actually sat and watched the video (including one who got a link to the video from a buddy who’s a cop) agree that this asshole was in the wrong.