
A Bad Lip Reading Remix: Bernie vs. Hillary

BeachDem4/24/2016 10:31:51 am PDT

re: #116 HappyWarrior

It’s a very true point. Honestly, I don’t think he’s as inspirational as he and his supporters think he is. To be frank, he’s a bit of a downer and people don’t like that in presidential candidates.

I’ve been saying that for more than a year. I’ve seen him speak twice, in smaller venues than the rallies from after he caught fire, and I thought that while what he said was true, it was depressing and not inspiring. He points out problems, re: #121 HappyWarrior

Yeah but I keep on getting told that Bernie is the people’s choice. Really because usually people’s choices actually win diverse groups of people. Bernie doesn’t know coalition from the word compromise. They can blame the DNC all they want but the fact of the matter is Bernie’s failings lay squarely on Bernie for not doing a better job building up a coalition and being unable to speak about issues in a way that shows he understands their nuance. Doesn’t help that he’s shown that he doesn’t understand FP that well either outside of just using his Iraq War Resolution vote as somehow proof he understands FP better.

I finally unsubscribed to Bernie emails today—they were just getting ridiculous and coming fast and furiously. Even on the unsubscribe acknowledgement page there is a DONATE request.