
Overnight Open Thread

Alberta Oil Peon4/03/2009 12:51:06 am PDT

re: #130 Slumbering Behemoth

You get all the fun!

A comedian, Dave Attel (sp?), used to have a tv show where after doing his stand-up gig, he would see the not so hot spots in that town and pick a local spot (usually a weird one) to spend timing working at whatever job they were doing.

While in New Orleans, he went out with the local PD for their nightly “Nutria Abatement”.

What a job. Getting paid to sit in the back of a moving truck while taking shots at giant river rats with a rifle.

Shit, buy me the ammo, don’t ask any damn questions about my beer intake, and I’d do that job for free.

You could become a “nutria attritionist.” Say it fast enough, and moonbats would be asking you for advice on carbohydrates.