
Massachusetts Open

Killgore Trout1/19/2010 2:30:31 pm PST

A glimmer of sanity?

Tea Party Activists Feel Slighted by GOP

Leading figures in the burgeoning “tea party” movement complain they are being ignored by the Republican National Committee, despite having already shown their clout in taking down moderate Republicans in a New York special House race and the Florida Republican Party hierarchy.

“I have called into the RNC many times, and they still haven’t called me back,” said Dale Robertson, head of, which he claims has upwards of 7 million members. “I’ve called them, lots of times. I called them this morning. I called them yesterday. It’s like they ignore you as they try to figure out a strategy on how to defeat you.”

Dale Robertson was last seen here at a Tea Party holding a “Niggar” sign. I wonder why they won’t take his call?