
Trump: "Putin's Not Going Into Ukraine, OK? Well, He's There in a Certain Way."

A Mom Anon7/31/2016 1:19:45 pm PDT

Heh. I just got called a “libtard who lives in her mom’s basement”. By a guy who lost his house and had to move in with his parents at age 45. Who talks about “welfare queens and handouts” while he collects disability. I laughed about a foot from his face. Seriously? I live in my own house with my husband and son, he knows this. We’re no longer friends, I’m over his stupid shit. I’m sure a lot of my “friends” will go with him. Meh. I’m used to relying on myself for support and comfort. Now if I could just get The Husband to stop defending his friends that support this buffoon and have gone off the rails over Hillary. “But honey, they aren’t racist, they’re good, hard working people.” Yeah, except for all those racist emails and “jokes” they tell about the spooks and jungle bunnies. Yeah. Sure. I realized one of the things that’s been effecting my depression is holding back who I am for fear of alienating people. NOPE. Done with it. Accept me as a dyed in the wool liberal or GFY.

Trump isn’t the only one who’s unhinged. His followers are too.