
And Now, Live From Some Guy's House: Knower, "Time Traveler"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷12/01/2017 11:04:00 pm PST

re: #135 Brian J.

The food is grown on large factory farms that most rural people have no more to do with than most urban people.

The Republicans want to rob California, New York and Massachusetts; then they shouldn’t be allowed to cadge funds for Alabama, Texas, or Wyoming. If they want to live without their “feral gummint,” let them experience the consequences!

Not everyone in a rural area works on a farm, as many of them run businesses necessary to keep agriculture going, teachers, doctors, &c., or work in local government (cough cough).

I can’t speak for rural areas I don’t live in, but I can assure you everything around here is family farms and ranches.