
GOP Website Slow-Motion Trainwreck Continues

SanFranciscoZionist12/15/2009 1:21:57 pm PST

re: #133 LudwigVanQuixote

Because you know ruining that girls entire life now is a sane and measured response.

No one in their right minds is going to argue that young teens should have sex with each other - particularly this young. However, this was clearly consensual and between the two kids. Of course, that does not make it ok, but OF COURSE that does not make them the same as some 40 year old who seduced a 12 year old. These are two impulsive kids with hyperactive legalisms making it set to ruin their lives. It is seriously unlikely that these kids will turn out to be pedophiles or a threat to anyone.

What is wrong with people?

This is utter insanity. It is also a fabulous example of why populist get tough on crime mandatory sentencing stuff ought not happen. There must be room for basic sense. Common sense.

The hypocrisy of it also gets to me. I don’t know about the other posters here, but I would be willing to bet that the vast majority of Americans lost their virginity when they were teens with another teenager. The majority snuck off and “made out” as younger teens. That is pretty much the biology of the situation. That how it generally happens. I know that there are those who hold out, but, if you follow the idea of legal thinking like this to it’s logical consequences, I would bet that something like 50% or more of America would need to be placed on the registry.

Probably more!

Kids that age shouldn’t be having sex—but it’s entirely normal for them to want to. It’s certainly not criminal. The adults in their lives need to talk to them about their choices, discuss morality and safety, and if they decide to, keep them from having an opportunity to continue the physical relationship. What the heck are we doing when we tell kids that having sex makes them criminals?