
Pro-Mubarak Goons Attack Protesters

Fozzie Bear2/02/2011 11:17:17 am PST

re: #137 Buck

Well, minimizing this just because it comes from the mainstream left is frightening to me. Basically I hear you saying… It’s not anti semitism, it just sounds exactly like antisemitism.

This guy is NOT just criticizing AIPAC. He is not just criticizing Israel policies.

He is saying straight out that AIPAC controls the USA to the detriment of the USA. Not “is trying”, or “thinks it can”… but actually does…

He is calling Hamas terrorists Revolutionaries. I don’t know… that used to be serious around here. People who are dedicated to killing jews are not revolutionaries to me.

He is revising the history of the Camp David accords and saying it was Israel, not Arafat that killed it. Which is not criticizing Israel policy, it is made up “Blame the jews” stuff.

I find it hard to imagine that lizards don’t see that as anti semitic. But then again Media Matters and TPM doesn’t have a problem with it…

Quote the article where he says that AIPAC “controls congress” or “controls the USA”. Seriously. Just copy and paste quote it.