
Top GOP Politicians Listen to Crackpot David Barton: 'Jesus Opposed the Minimum Wage'

What, me worry?3/25/2011 2:25:04 pm PDT

re: #133 marjoriemoon

But an hourly wage is an hourly wage for work done. $X amount per hour.

Aside from the argument that not everyone is paid equal, they certainly should be. If you pay $5.00 and work 2 hours, you get $10.00. Fair wage. But, as we know, if the wage was $5.00, the women would be getter $3.00 hehe.

Anyway, he wants to be generous because Mike did a better job that Dave, he can give Dave an extra $5.00 bonus.

Er Mike, not Dave. Oops.

I’d really like to understand Barton’s twisted little mind, but I’m not getting it.