
Bad Craziness: How the Truth Is Made at Russia Today

Charles Johnson3/14/2014 1:14:23 pm PDT

re: #134 TedStriker

Blasted Windows XP!

Ever since Charles added the Getty embed functionality, LGF at work has been annoying as fuck to navigate, but, as of yet, he’s been unable to duplicate the issues. I know he’s been trying to address them, but apparently there’s some sort of bug in XP that affects my work LGF browsing on Chrome 33 and IE8 (IE8…inorite?) on multiple machines; at home, in Win8.1, everything’s fine.

Current known issues with me in XP:

Many thanks to Charles, in any case, for trying to get this stuff addressed.

It’s looking like this is a block put in place by employer’s IT departments for some reason. The only common factor I can find is that everyone reporting it is at work when it happens. And Dr. Matt’s screenshot showed no errors in the Javascript code, so that can’t be it.

Unless someone can find a way I can duplicate this outside of their work environment, there’s nothing I can really do. I guess you could try getting in touch with whoever’s running the IT dept and see if there’s something that changed recently. I know these employer’s blocking systems often rely on the same black lists for this kind of stuff, which would also explain why it appeared for several people around the same time.