
Guardian's '2010 Buzz Words' Takes Swipe at Assange

Usually refered to as anyways12/26/2010 6:16:24 pm PST

re: #136 CuriousLurker

Well, searching the article archives brings up 2 articles by Charles regarding the video in April 2010 (when it was released):


I didn’t really look at your conversation with Obdi, so maybe that’s not what you’re looking for. A lot of times Charles expresses his opinions in the comments. Anyway, good luck with digging around.

All the best to you & yours in 2011 also!

Thanks again, that second link might prove helpful, its about the original leak.

Though I’m was looking for answers to two questions.
1. The edited video released by wikileaks, did wikileaks edit it or did they release somthing that was given to them edited.

2. Who released the unedited video, wikileaks or the US Govt.

Please don’t feel you have to find the answer for me.