
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

Damned Architect11/19/2009 7:42:45 am PST

re: #1388 FrogMarch

Political football. mmmkay. Rudy has an opinion that lines up with many, even some of those on the left. Just because you hate the man, doesn’t mean he isn’t allowed to give his opinion on this matter. You disagree with him and are attempting to take 1994’s general statement and use it against him. Sorry - I don’t buy it.

While his opinion (and he’s entitled to it) might line up with various Americans across the political spectrum (just as other Americans from across the spectrum reject it), his lack of consistency for a public figure so closely tied to the events of the case is stunning. Nor was I using his 1994 comments, it was his 2006 comments in support of Moussaoui being tried in a civilian court of law that I was using against him. Rudy’s approach in this instance is not honest criticism, it’s parisian hackery appropriate for a minor domestic policy dispute, not a matter of supreme legal and WOT importance.