
Update: Nuclear Meltdown May Be Under Way

Targetpractice3/12/2011 3:23:40 pm PST

re: #11 elizajane

I was wondering if we’d said bye-bye to future nuclear plants in the USA on the previous thread. At the very least, the calculus for solving America’s problematic energy future is going to change now. (While the Repbulicans also, quietly, return funding for the Pacific Tsunami Institute to their budget bill).

Oh, I figure once this has all shaken out, the argument will turn (once again), to “Drill, Baby, Drill!” Now, it’ll be “We can’t afford nuclear accidents here in America!”

Meanwhile, in the Gulf of Mexico, billions of sea animals are dead or dying due to the gunk that remains on the ocean bottom due to the BP oil spill. But hey, you can’t see it from space anymore, so “out of sight, out of mind.”