
Awesome 5D Short Film: Primordial - Yellowstone / Grand Tetons

Justanotherhuman10/24/2013 5:27:55 am PDT

Well, at least he didn’t kill his son.

Party on: Maryland attorney general doesn’t stop underage alcohol party; what would you do?

“The celebration in a rented South Bethany home included underage participants, many of which were later confirmed to have been drinking alcohol, according to media reports. Tell-tale red cups, typical of beer parties, were a plenty in photos of the house party. Gansler had apparently stopped by the house to talk to his teen-age son, leaving soon after his photo was snapped by a partier.

“And Gansler’s response to all of this?

“Basically, the attorney general who is now running for governor of the state has shrugged and said it wasn’t his party, according to media reports. Therefore, it was not his responsibility as a parent or a high-ranking law enforcement official to intervene, Gansler has told the media.”

I think it’s pretty ridiculous that 18 yr olds can’t buy beer in the US, where in almost every other country in the world (except those ruled by Sharia law) 18 is the standard age, and even 16 and 17 yr olds can drink if an adult purchases it.

This is just one of those “gotcha” moments in American politics. Will we ever outlive our Puritan past and moralistic bullshit?