
Tuesday Night Jam: Nick Johnston, "Weakened by Winter"

BeachDem1/31/2017 11:14:25 pm PST

re: #133 Blind Frog Belly White

I’m virulently opposed to both Sessions and DeVos. But Sessions is much the more dangerous. The man sees the law and the Constitution as some kind of plaything to get what he wants, and AG is a very dangerous place for someone with so little respect for the law.

And DeVos sees education as a way to put money in private pockets and indoctrinate kids into dominionist bullshit. It’s hard for me to choose which is more horrible—they are both heinous.

I guess Sessions would have more widespread opportunities to fuck things up—particularly voting rights, women’s rights, LGBT rights, civil rights—OK—I’ve just convinced myself Sessions is worse. But I truly hate and fear both of them.