
Overnight Open Thread

LeePro1/06/2009 1:10:59 am PST

re: #117 Mel Lono

re: #113 LeePro

Having had this discussion innumerable times in the past 8 months, I will only reiterate that my R vote in the People’s Republic of California would have made as much impact as a gnat’s ass on an elephant (oh my, the symmetry).

When you place the significance of your voting privilege on the solitary impact of your own single vote, you’ve already, sadly, lost the whole concept. I don’t vote based on a false presumption that my single vote is going to create upheavals in the status quo, but because it is our right that contains within it a duty to stand up for our principles and the freedoms for which so many have fought and died. It frightens me to think that because so many lazy, cowardly, hopeless wimps DO NOT VOTE, we may very well lose that privilege in the long run!