
Rand Paul: "Let's Trade 5 Democrats to the Taliban"

Lidane6/06/2014 2:11:56 pm PDT

It’s worth noting that the #RPTCON14 hashtag Rand Paul is using is for the Texas GOP convention. The very same Texas GOP convention whose platform includes:

Ending the direct election of Senators
Repealing the Voting Rights Act
Ending all Motor Voter laws
Ending the Fed
Ending the TSA, the Department of Energy and the Department of Education
Withdrawing from the UN
Agenda 21
Creationism in public schools
AGW denial
CURE TEH GHEY conversion therapy
Repealing all hate crimes laws
Banning the morning after pill
Nullifying all federal gun laws

They’re also anti-vax. Fun times.

So yeah, they’re going to love Rand’s tweet here. It’s what the party stands for.