
Video: Breitbart Laughs As He Shows Weiner Photo to Shock Jocks

SanFranciscoZionist6/08/2011 9:51:13 pm PDT

re: #79

Boys were drawing penises on blackboards way back in the day when I was in HS. And that’s awhile back. I didn’t quite get what the fascination was - and I still don’t. But boys do do some weird stuff.

We had a terrible situation at the BEGINNING of last year. One of the seniors had been going with his girl for two years, which in teenager life is like being married for twenty. THey were going to go out and celebrate after school, and the boy’s friends got it into their head to decorate his car. So they drew on it with soap or something. It started out nicely—“Kevin & Carmen 4 Evah” and so on. That was the side facing the back of the parking lot.

By the time they’d worked around to the other side, they were on to penises and swastikas, which was what poor Kevin returned to find his car covered it.

The dean of students had a rough week behind that one.