
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/19/2009 1:11:21 pm PST

re: #1414 Bagua

I hope you are correct, but I have been seeing more and more anecdotal evidence over the last few years that those who regard themselves as the Cultural/Academic/Political elite do in fact regard the citizens of their countries as ignorant and beneath them.

This is even more evident in the UK and the European nations, where their political betters have pressed on with building an EU superstate while denying their citizens even a referendum on the issue of giving up national sovereignty.

A no vote or lack of interest in a policy favoured by the political elites is not taken as the will of the people, rather, it is termed as the government failing to get the message across, failing to educate the people, and thus they made the wrong vote and that must be corrected.

I’m sorry, to me that’s a load of talking points.

Both my parents are academics. My mom has worked almost her whole life at Rhode Island College, a relatively dinky place in Rhode Island. Most of her incoming class can’t actually construct an English sentence. They lack almost all critical reading and writing skills.

She has taught freshman English every year. She does this out of a desire to help people make something better of themselves, because she believes education is key to that.

Education is key to bettering yourself. It is not elitist to think that, say that, or dedicate your life to it.

Whatever you may think of people like Lacan and Derrida, the majority of ‘academics’ out there are, at heart ‘teachers’. Many sacrifice much for their students.

Remember, please, that most ‘academics’ are not in some ivory tower with grad students serving them lattes.