
Overnight Jam: Jason Isbell, "Elephant"

Birth Control Works10/02/2015 6:35:43 am PDT

re: #134 Dark_Falcon

“What if a cure for cancer is in the mind of a teenage girl who had to drop out of school b/c she couldn’t get an Abortion?”

And what if the UK was able to get Iran to stop supplying the Houthis and Hezbollah, simply by sending Salmon Rushdie back to Iran to hanged from a crane?

I ask this because if you believe that an unborn child is a person, as many people do (I don’t take a position on the point), then they would see the question you asked as being the same as the one I posed.

Note: My question was rhetorical, and was not seriously asked.

IMHO, the question isn’t -is the fetus human. The question is: is the woman human?