
Video: Stephen Colbert Can't Stop Laughing at Trump's Garbled Jerusalem Speech

ObserverArt12/07/2017 1:30:43 pm PST

re: #78 allegro

I see the Democratic party has conceded the moral high ground with the successful demand for Franken’s resignation. Yeah, flat out denied a U.S. citizen his due process rights to confront his accusers, one of our most basic and cherished Constitutional rights. I realize this isn’t a court of law but the concept still stands. Wait. No it doesn’t. Not here. Not now.

As a woman who has always had second class rights by denial of her bodily autonomy, that right granted to men only, I’m seeing yet another example of women being used to further the agenda of those who wish to deny women’s rights even further. I do not praise or respect the Democratic party more for its complicity in this effort. Quite the opposite. I see a party that pays loud and public lip service, just like the other party, but when the fight comes they choose the politically expedient course while claiming it’s about respect for women. Respect perhaps for women as tools. Women as weapons. Women to be used and discarded.

If there was respect then women would be heard. They claim that’s what they’re doing by demanding Franken’s resignation. No tolerance! Yet they are doing the opposite just as they always have. Just like the GOP. Franken’s accusers are now essentially silenced. If there was true respect, women’s stories wouldn’t be hidden by secret settlements and the NDAs tied to them while those who have been complicit in this arrangement all this time now publicly express shock! shock, I tells ya! that there are harassers and abusers among the ranks of their fellows of both parties. That’s been just fine, this protection, until it bites them in the ass and they toss a bone to the masses to get back to business as usual.

As a woman, if the Democratic party really wanted to take the moral high ground in my eyes, it would demand openness through public hearings (that they appear now to be fearful of with coming out en masse to demand resignation without them), give those women the platform and those they accuse the right of defense, if there is any. It would show respect both for woman and our rule of law. I see their actions of late to be a fuck you to both.

As a Democratic voter I see a party of simpering weakness while our country is in an existential battle for its soul. It could so easily have taken the true high ground and exhibited strength in this fight simultaneously. It could have used this opportunity for good, to help expose this pervasive rot in our culture. But no. Guess it’s too early to talk about this too.

There was a guest on MSNBC last night that said the Democrats had to do this for the younger women.

She said many younger women were really pissed at Nancy Pelosi for not acting right away. She seemed to be saying if the Democrats want to attract young women this needed to be done, and maybe older women did not understand as they had gotten used to the way things used to work. She claimed those days are over.

Just thought I’d toss that into the conversation to give another view.