
An Idea Whose Time Has Come: The Late Show's Uninformed Correspondent

BeachDem7/14/2018 4:27:28 pm PDT

Then (2016)

…Bernie Sanders for portraying Hillary Clinton’s Southern victories as a product of a conservative region that is out of step with the rest of the country’s thinking. When asked about his delegate deficit against Clinton, Sanders has on several recent occasions tried to explain away her lead as the result of wide margins of victory in deep red Southern states that rarely vote for Democrats in general elections.


“I’ve believed for years that the Democratic Party has committed political malpractice by writing off half the states in this country,” said Sanders in an interview… “They’ve got to fight for every state in this country.”

So Bernie and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are headed to Kansas. Sigh. I basically like her, but I think she should stay away from Bernie. And I think Bernie should just STFU.