
Video: Sarah Palin Claims She's a Victim of Blood Libel

Cog1/12/2011 11:08:28 am PST

I don’t think Glenn Reynolds article was very biased or ludicrous at all. In fact, it was one of the more balanced and reasoned looks at the situation that came out shortly after the tradgedy. As Glenn noted today, he used “blood libel” in his article, but the headline was written for him by the paper as it often is with the MSM and columnists.

There is no equivocation. There is heated, disgusting, and violent rhetoric on both sides, but anyone trying to pin the blame for the shootings on Palin or the tea party is either intentionally dishonest or delusional.

You can’t spin it any other way. What happened was a tragedy of the human condition, not a tragedy of the left or right.