
Merry MST3k-Mas!

lawhawk12/23/2013 6:42:05 am PST

Heritage posted a tweet this morning about how A&E is somehow penalizing those who hold the view of biblical marriage, calling it intolerant.

What claptrap.

Are we going to ignore that the Bible is full of polygamous marriages and relationships? Extramarital affairs are common and recommended in many situations.

But they want to talk about intolerance as though a contractual spat between A&E and Duck Dynasty is somehow a religiously motivated one.

If we’re going to play that game, how about the thousands of Hobby Lobby employees who hold religious views that allow contraception and birth control, while the employer is demanding that their employees not get contraceptive care as part of their benefits package because of the employer’s religious views in contravention of federal law (PPACA).

The Bible doesn’t give you carte blanche to act like a bigot. It doesn’t give you the right to impose your views on everyone else.

And it certainly doesn’t mean you’re entitled to your own television show after violating terms and conditions of your contract with the producers/network.